With four kids running around, I know how hard it can be to do all the things as a mom. Between trying to catch up on dishes to reading the kids’ toothpaste label wondering what kinds of toxic chemicals are in it… It seems like we spend a lot of time wondering, Am I doing this parenting thing right?
You don’t need another so-called “non-toxic living expert” to tell you what to do.
You need a way to combine scientific research, wellness, and self-care so you and your kids can thrive.
That’s why, as a mother of four a PhD chemist, and a Certified Lactation Counselor, my mission is to empower you to thrive while raising your kids.
Honestly… I didn’t really even want kids at first.
I was too busy chasing my PhD at Emory’s School of Public health. It’s funny, because I was learning tons about mother and child health in graduate school, things like…
- How babies develop in the womb and then after birth
- The amazing components of breastmilk that make it so great for babies and toddlers
- How the thousands of toxic man-made chemicals out there impact our children’s bodies and brains
but it was all just facts in scientific papers at the time. It didn’t affect my life.

But after I had my first child, I fell head over heels in love.

Fast forward almost ten years… and here I am with four kids.
And all the time I spent studying and learning science… It hasn’t gone to waste!
I started as a professor of chemistry in 2012 and worked my way up to teaching Human Toxicology and other chemistry classes related to human health. I focused years of research into learning about how chemical exposures affect both unborn babies and children, as well as how toxicants and medications are passed through breastmilk.
Plus, I expanded my knowledge to cover how parenting styles affect the mental and physical health of children as they grow to adulthood. After having my own children, I had real motivation to learn all I could. I use resources available because of my degree to keep up with cutting-edge research on all of these topics.

The best part? I have the privilege of sharing my parenting research and experience with you.
I have helped hundreds of moms find the path for themselves to help them create the lives they want for themselves and their families.
I want to help you too!
Some of what you can learn from me includes:
- Why you need non-toxic mattresses and furniture for your baby
- The benefits of breastfeeding by age
- How to gently night wean your older baby or toddler
- Which non-toxic certifications actually mean something
This is my passion:
I’m so excited to share my science and parenting knowledge!
I love love love providing empowering breastfeeding information (for newborns to toddlers and beyond!).
In fact, I host the annual Breastfeeding Beyond Babyhood online event, designed to make sure parents feel supported and celebrated in nursing past the first year.
I love sharing my birth stories, both medicated and unmedicated, so people can learn just what an empowering (there’s that word again!) experience birth can be.
But the heart of what I do? Everything on this blog is designed to help parents accept themselves and their children as they are, while giving parents the tools they need to be the best version of themselves.
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Join our Facebook group, Evidence-based Parents, to get access to our exclusive community, full of people who want to raise their children in a way that is not only backed by the most current research, but also promotes empathy and respect. We look forward to seeing you there!
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