Be a part of one of the most anticipated Free BundleS for MOMS OF INFANTS.


This is the perfect bundle for you if:

  • You’re ready to hit the ground running for your business in 2023
  • Your audience includes expecting mothers through moms of young toddlers (0-18 mos)
  • You target “informed crunchy” moms who like a combination of evidence-based and natural parenting methods
  • You have an established email list that you are actively growing and communicating with
Beyond Baby Basics

How It Works For You

confirm your interest

Please confirm that you’re interested in participating in this incredible free bundle by Monday, January 16 via this form.


You have until January 23 to submit your free gift. We ask that you please submit your free gift as well as all the details required on the mall page.


Share! Let your audience know all about this FREE bundle by sharing out the registration page starting on Monday, February 5. We’ll share swipe files to make sharing really easy for you.


Get ready to enjoy all your new subscribers. Watch your sale and subscriber numbers soar throughout the bundle. Make sure to nurture all your new friends. 

How It Works For Your Audience

Your audience arrives on your free registration page for our bundle on February 5-10.

After signing up through the registration page, your audience will receive a special link to the gift mall page.

Your audience gets to pick and choose and individually sign up for the gifts that they want.

Everybody is happy and walks away with amazing gifts that's going to support and celebrate them through the first years of motherhood.

What We'll Need From You

I hope you’re feeling good about your decision to work with us so far. If that’s the case, here is a list of things we’ll need from you in order make it official.

1- We need to know that you're interested.

Reply back to my email by Monday, January 16 if you are interested (or just go ahead and fill out this form).

2- your basic information

I’ll need info like your website, your social media profiles (if you use them), a headshot, and a brief bio.

3- Details of your contribution

I’ll need a brief blurb (several sentences or bullet points) describing your gift and how it will help our audiences. You also need to provide the value of your gift, plus a mockup image of your contribution.

4- Promotion & Eligibility Requirements

While there’s not a minimum email list size required to join this bundle, I will need to know what your current list size is. 

If you choose to join Beyond Baby Basics, you must promote the bundle through at least 3 emails. Promoting through social media is also highly recommended.

gift requirements

No quizzes, contests/sweepstakes, 1:1 calls with you, low-value pdfs, webinar replays or current lead magnets/things we can find on your site for free right now are allowed. 

**Remember: The higher quality the gift, the more sign-ups you will get**

If you’re not sure what to offer, let me know and we can chat about it.

Naturally, we’ll create a bigger buzz & get more eyeballs to this giveaway if our collection of free gifts as a whole sounds super impressive.

Your gift must be something:

1) You could charge $27- 97 for.  

2) Isn’t currently on your site for free.

3) Everyone can have instant access to. 

4) No quizzes, contest, 1:1 calls with you, low-value pdfs or webinar replays with a “full-on pitch” of your paid offers (A brief mention of where they can learn more about your paid offer is cool).

We are targeting newer moms, primarily those with babies from 4-12 months old (although we’ll accept gifts targeting expecting moms or mothers of young toddlers too). Between teething, starting solids, and meeting milestones like talking or crawling, moms may feel that routines are changing and don’t know what to do! That’s why they need your help.

That’s largely up to you! If you have a great welcome sequence behind your gift and connect with your audience, you’re more likely to gain their trust (and get more sales).

While I can’t guarantee results, I would expect that a good opt-in gift could lead to at least several hundred new leads.

You’re not giving me anything for free. We each provide our own opt-in, and all the moms who are interested in your free gift can sign up. It’s a great way to get fresh leads!

Collaborative bundles like these do not work unless everyone promotes. To make the bundle worth it for everybody, we all need to work together. Plus, it wouldn’t be fair for you to get hundreds of leads without sharing with your fellow contributors by promoting.

I’m looking for anything that could appeal to moms of older infants to young toddlers (or even those who will be entering that stage soon). I especially want leads who are interested in how to continue breastfeeding after the first few months. Great topics could include:

  • Starting solids
  • Nursing through teething
  • Surviving sleep regressions (no sleep training, please)
  • How breastfeeding changes as you start solids
  • Adjusting your pumping schedule as your baby becomes less dependent on breast milk

Or anything else to simplify life for moms of babies.

If you have someone you think would be a great fit for Beyond Baby Basics, let me know and I’ll look into it. Slots for the bundle are limited, so I need to see how many sign-ups we have before I offer any others to join.


January 16

Confirm interest in joining the bundle by filling out the form provided in the email.

January 23

Deadline for finalizing your gift.

February 5

Gift mall opens, so have emails scheduled using the swipe files I'll provide.

February 10

Let your audience know that the gift mall closes at midnight EST.

Got Questions?

Please email us ([email protected]) and we'll be in touch. We need to hear from you by January 16 if you'd like to be part of Beyond Baby Basics.

Ready to join?