The easiest way to wean (at least for your little one) is natural term breastfeeding, or simply continuing to breastfeed until your child is ready to stop.
For example, If I asked son if he wanted na-na while we were cuddling in the morning, he’d probably be all about it. But since I don’t say anything, he gets up within a few minutes, happy to go drive a matchbox car around the floor.
Before you start the weaning process, it helps to introduce your toddler to the idea of what weaning is, and that yes, it is possible to go through life without nursing.
When you’re trying to wean, you don’t want to remind your child of the goods. So during weaning, try to wear shirts that fully cover your breasts when you’re around your toddler.
Your child associates that place with mama milk, so they’re going to expect access when you’re there. Help them not think about nursing by staying somewhere else.