Benefits of Breastfeeding by Age

If you’re not committed to breastfeeding for a long time, maybe you want to know breastfeeding benefits by age. 

There are many reasons why a mom may not breastfeed for an extended period of time- lack of support, difficulty with latching or supply, past traumas that make breastfeeding upsetting... the list is long.

Even though babies would ideally be breastfed exclusively for 6 months and then breastfed alongside solid foods as for at least 2 years and then as long as baby would like, that often doesn’t happen. So here's the benefits of breast milk over time.



Newborn milk or colostrum, is a laxative that helps remove sticky meconium from your baby's digestive system. Colostrum coats and protects baby's sensitive gut.


month one

Oxytocin release from nursing bonds mom and baby while contracting mom's uterus back to original size. Nursing lowers baby's hospitalization rates.


month four

Breastfeeding significantly lowers baby's risk of SIDS. In addition, long-term risk of asthma is lowered. Mom's risk of PPD is lowered by nursing.


month six

The gut is allowed to mature baby is ready for solids. Mom's risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers is reduced by 6 months of breastfeeding.


month nine

Many babies aren't super into solids at this stage. But no problem! Nursing continues to provide all the nutrition your baby needs.

Swipe up to read the benefits of breastfeeding for a year or more