What is the breastfeeding mother’s magic number? Turns out, it’s not a number at all, but rather, a term that’s related to breast milk capacity.

Believe it or not, the size of your breasts has nothing to do with your breast milk capacity. You can have small breasts and be able to store a lot of milk, or you could have larger breasts and a low breast capacity.

What is Breast Storage Capacity?

Breast storage capacity is simply the volume of milk your breasts can hold at one time. The average breast capacity is about 2-4 oz per breast, although this can vary.

Notice that storage capacity is not the same as the ability to produce milk. Milk production is all about supply and demand: Nursing increases a mother’s levels of prolactin.

What Determines Breast Capacity?

It is determined by the number of mammbreastary lobes you have – the glands that produce and store breast milk.

The Breastfeeding Magic Number

Your “magic number” is the number of times you need to empty your breasts per 24 hours in order to keep your supply robust. 

On average, your magic number is 8. However, your magic number can change based on your breast storage capacity.

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