Getting kids involved in dinner prep, whether by letting them cook or set the table, is so important for them developmentally. There’s so much for them to learn, feel, and see!

But you may be wondering where to even begin.  Here's the best tools you can get for your kids to help you in the kitchen.

Step Stool

If you want for your children to help you with cooking, they’ll need to be able to reach your food prep area. Most likely, you’ll need to have a stool for them.

High Chair / Booster Seat

Instead of letting young toddlers work at the kitchen counter, put them to work at their high chair or booster seat.

Kitchen Utensils For Kids

One thing to keep in mind while cooking with toddlers: It’s hard for little hands to work with full-sized tools. That’s why I love mini kitchen tools! They’re well-made, but they’re made small, perfect for little hands.

Measuring Spoons and Measuring Cups for Kids

Preschoolers can sprinkle and pour from measuring cups and spoons.

Paring Knife for Kids

I’ve been letting my oldest handle a plastic knife since she was about eighteen months. At 9, she’s been able to dice vegetables for years.

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