Has your milk supply suddenly dropped, all while you’re starting to feel cranky, bloated, or crampy? Don’t panic that your milk is gone; you may just be dealing with PMS.
Since a dip in calcium is a large part of the problem, a calcium supplement during the second half of your cycle can keep your supply strong.
Breast compressions, both during nursing and pumping, can help you get every last bit of milk out. Plus, over a few days, it can actually increase your supply.
Nursing and skin-to-skin contact with your baby, though, increases oxytocin and thereby tells your body to make more milk. So cuddle up with your baby.
You may feel tingling or warmth in your breast (or you may not), and then you’ll see that you’re releasing much more milk than you were before.
As a breastfeeding mom, I was told to drink 90 oz water per day. Of course, check with your doctor for your specific recommendation, but this number was based on how much water most women are advised to drink per day (64 oz) plus another quart (32 oz) for breastfeeding moms.