Have you ever tried to let your kids cook with you? If so, you know how stressful it can be.

But at the same time, you probably realize that there are a ton of great reasons to let your kids get involved in meal prep.  The trick is to find how to do it without losing your mind.

Benefits of Letting Kids Help With Meal Prep

A distraction from whining. Meal prep gives kids the opportunity to learn through doing, and it just gives them something to do instead of whining that they're hungry.

It will broaden your kids’ taste palate. Often, kids are more interested in eating something they made themselves. Letting kids get involved in meal prep helps them overcome pickiness!

It teaches life skills. One day your kids will have to cook for themselves, and they have to learn somehow. The best way is to start letting them cook with you when they’re young.

Preparing Yourself Mentally to Let Your Kids Help in the Kitchen

It’s important to be in the right mindset before you let your kids “help” you cook.

Be prepared for a mess.  Allowing kids to make messes is actually great for their development! When children are allowed to make a mess and clean it up, they learn to correct their own mistakes.

Swipe up for more tips on cooking with kids