Purple crying is a developmental phase that lasts from about 6-12 weeks of age. It doesn't really mean your baby turns purple; that's just an acronym.
- Peak of crying - Unexpected - Resists soothing - Pain-like face - Long lasting - Evening
This is the most your baby will likely ever cry.
There’s no real “reason” for the crying. Your child isn’t hurt, he’s been fed, changed, and burped. But he still won’t stop crying. This usually happens in the evening.
No matter what you do, your baby still cries. You rock, you bounce, you sway, you feed, you sing, you try everything. It can be really stressful!
You may think your baby is in pain or gassy because of how upset they look.
Usually, purple crying goes on for a few hours most nights during this stage.
Again, purple crying usually happens in the evening, just when you're ready to wind down for the night.