I spoke to a friend of mine who recommended a surgeon she had used for a similar problem 15 years before. She looked great and I trusted her. I met with the surgeon and prepped for surgery.
Once I got there for pre-op, the nurses, the surgeon, & the anesthesiologist were all super nice & reassuring. A few hours later, I woke up. I remember it hurting pretty bad, but all I had to do for the rest of the day was sleep & get occasional medications.
I had to wear a belly binder over my bandages to hold everything together. The hospital provided one, but I suggest buying an extra so you have an extra one to wear while you wash the other.
The doctor told me that I needed 6-8 weeks to recover. I’m super grateful that my husband & his parents did a lot to take care of the kids during my first few weeks of recovery.
- Stay on top of pain meds - Hydrate and eat lots of protein - Hold a pillow against your stomach when coughing or sneezing - Get help with kids