I love helping moms find the resources they need to breastfeed. One of the best online breastfeeding courses is Milkology. So if you’re here wondering, “Should I take a breastfeeding class?” Then you’re right where you need to be.

The Milkology Breastfeeding Class fills a major gap on the internet. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of bad advice out there. People focus on the negatives, and they only tell you how scary, hard, and painful breastfeeding is. While there are challenges in breastfeeding, not telling you both sides of the coin just sets you up for failure.

I’d rather take the other route: to be both informative and empowering, leaving moms feeling like, Yes, I can do this!

With that goal in mind, I looked all over for the best breastfeeding courses out there to share with other moms. One course truly stood out to me: Milkology’s The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class from Stacey Stewart. This class is comprehensive, affordable, and written by a certified lactation consultant.

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. You can read my full policy here. And yes, I’m an affiliate for Milkology, but all opinions here are my own.

My plan in this post is to tell you all about The Ultimate Breastfeeding class from Milkology, to let you decide if it’s a good fit for you.

Who is The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class for?

The Ultimate Breastfeeding class is perfect for new moms who want to breastfeed (or at least learn more about it in case they decide to breastfeed when the baby comes).

It’s also great for moms who tried to breastfeed a previous baby, but for whatever reason, didn’t meet their personal breastfeeding goals.

The really great thing about this course is that it’s only about 90 minutes of content and demos. You don’t have to go anywhere to watch. It’s super easy to take in and understand. And did I mention it’s taught by a certified lactation consultant?

You can just hang out in your house, PJ’s on and bowl of ice cream propped up on your baby bump, and watch from there. So if you’re just too tired to add one more thing to your list and/or can’t find a good breastfeeding class in your area, The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is for you!

And with a risk-free 30-day-or-your-money-back guarantee, there’s really no reason not to try Milkology if you’re at all interested in breastfeeding.

Who is The Milkology Breastfeeding Class not for?

Honestly, there’s not many moms who can’t benefit from this class! However, it is self-paced, so if you’re the sort who buys a course and then doesn’t complete it, you won’t benefit from it. But like I said, it’s only ninety minutes, so it should be pretty easy to get through!

If you feel like you’re already a breastfeeding pro, you probably don’t need this class. But you might be surprised! If it’s been a long time since you had babies and have forgotten how things work, this course would be a great refresher.

On top of that, all babies are different. While breastfeeding may have been really easy the first time, your new baby may have a particular problem that requires a little more attention. While a lactation consultant would be your best bet in that case, it couldn’t hurt to arm yourself with info before going into nursing again.

The other thing I would mention is that if you prefer reading over watching videos/listening to someone, you might not prefer this class. If that’s you, I strongly recommend the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. This book is put out by La Leche League International (probably the best breastfeeding support group worldwide) and is really comprehensive.

Features of The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class

What I most appreciate about The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is just how thorough it is! It covers everything you need to know to be confident in breastfeeding your newborn in these units:

Step 1: Discover the benefits of breastfeeding

If you’re someone who is on the fence about breastfeeding, or even if you just want to know more about the benefits, this section is for you! In less than twenty minutes, you’ll be presented with some really exciting info on how breastfeeding benefits baby, mom, and even society at large!

RELATED: Advantages of breastfeeding

Step 2: Understand the process of lactation

Wow, this section is crucial to successful breastfeeding. While this is not the case for everyone, so many mothers are disappointed by their breastfeeding journey because no one taught them the basic physiology of breastfeeding.

The one principle that is most critical to keeping your supply up is discussed here (and no, it’s not eating tons of oatmeal or fennel or some fancy supplement). If you’re nervous about not making enough milk and want the info that will make you confident, don’t miss this unit!

Step 3: Learn the techniques for breastfeeding

This is the down-and-dirty segment, discussing baby’s latch and the different styles of breastfeeding holds. There is a beautiful video of baby’s first breastfeed soon after birth, as well as videos showing you how to make sure your baby gets a good latch.

One of the best (and easiest) breastfeeding positions is discussed, which I love, because even though it’s so great, it’s often overlooked in the hospital or in even in many breastfeeding courses offered by OBs.

You’re also told what’s “normal” and what you should actually be worried about, plus what to do if things aren’t going as they should. I love that this class gives you contingency plans that allow you to continue to nurse while you’re figuring it all out!

You also get a quick overview of how to hand express milk (especially helpful during baby’s first 3-5 days) and how to pump. Again, videos are included, which make a huge difference in understanding the process (weird but true, in your third trimester there’s a good chance you can practice hand expression and actually get colostrum out. This really helped me learn for my oldest’s second day, when she was too tired to feed on her own).

On top of that, you get recommendations for how to store and thaw breast milk (If you want a more in-depth course on pumping, check out Milkology’s Ultimate back-to-work pumping class or the Ultimate exclusive pumping class). This info is great whether you’re going back to work and pumping or you just want to have a few bottles of milk put back in case you’re out without baby for several hours one day.

As an aside, if you’re in the US and still looking for a breast pump, did you know you can qualify for a FREE pump through insurance? Apply here with Aeroflow breast pumps for your free pump! Aeroflow does all the paperwork for you, so that’s one less hassle to deal with.

Step 4: Know what to expect with your baby

This unit is really where the rubber meets the road. You learn what to expect with diaper output and weight gain for the first few weeks, as well as how to manage over the first few months with baby. Questions like, “My baby is eating all the time! Is something wrong?” will be answered, as well as, “How do I deal with family stopping by constantly when all I really want to do is be left alone and sleep?” This is a really helpful section.

Step 5: Find support and get prepared for breastfeeding

This is a very important chapter too (I know, I keep saying that), even if you’re not convinced at first. Breastfeeding women have a much better chance of reaching their goals if they are surrounded by people who can support them. Here, you can learn how to find a breastfeeding support group (I know, it sounds crazy from the outside, but I love my LLL friends), and how to deal when well-meaning but over-stepping and ultimately unhelpful friends and family try to dissuade you from your nursing goals.

Bonus material!

This stuff is gold. There is a whole troubleshooting pdf that tells you exactly what to do for everything from a biting baby to engorged breasts, from postpartum depression to whether or not you can take medications while breastfeeding.

There’s also a list of 50 quick tips/hacks to make breastfeeding easier. Got a gassy baby? Tip 49 is there for you. Worried people might see more than you want them to while you’re breastfeeding in public (not that you have to worry, but in case you do)? Tips 34 and 44 offer great ideas.

What’s missing from the course

The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is an excellent resource for new breastfeeders, and hands-down the best online resource I’ve found. I can’t recommend it enough (especially for the price – it’s crazy cheap for what it provides).

But it doesn’t cover everything. It gives you nitty-gritty details up through Month 2 with your baby, and then lets you continue on from there on your own. I wish it discussed farther through infant breastfeeding and maybe even into toddler breastfeeding. BUT, if you want all that info too, go with the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.

Honestly, it’s not a bad idea to invest in both Stacey’s course and the LLL book. Milkology gives a great, in-depth treatment of the first few months of nursing, and you can learn from watching videos better than you can from just reading in a book. At the same time, Womanly Art covers up to toddler breastfeeding, and addresses topics like sleep, transitioning to solids, and other concerns in greater depth.

Milkology’s other courses

Stacey has two other fantastic breastfeeding related courses available that I need to mention.

If you know you’re going back to work and want to pump there, check out the Ultimate back-to-work pumping class. You’ll learn how to choose a pump, how often you should pump, and even the best way to feed baby a bottle (among other great info).

And if for whatever reason you choose or need to exclusively pump, Stacey has a whole course for that. You can check out the Ultimate exclusive pumping class.

Given the effort and dedication that exclusive pumping requires (seriously, if you manage to exclusively pump, you are a champion), this course is a really good investment for those moms. You get all the info you need to know on which pump to choose, how to pump, how to boost supply while pumping, and more.

Milkology and The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class: Conclusions

I hope I’ve convinced you just how beneficial I think Milkology’s Ultimate Breastfeeding Class is! I promise, I looked extensively at online breastfeeding courses, and this is by far the best I found. Interested? You can access the course here!